• Title IX Coordinator
    Complaints or notice of alleged policy violations, or inquiries about or concerns regarding this policy and procedures, may be made internally to: 

    Jennifer Hart
    Chief Officer of Human Resources and Administration
    Title IX Coordinator
    1000 Brookhaven Drive
    Aiken, South Carolina 29803
    Telephone: 803-641-2428
    Email: jhart@acpsd.net 

    The Title IX Coordinator acts with independence and authority free from bias and conflicts of interest. The Title IX Coordinator oversees all resolutions under this policy and these procedures. 
    The members of the Title IX Team are vetted and trained to ensure they are not biased for or against any party in a specific case or biased for or against Complainants and/or Respondents, generally. 
    To raise any concern involving bias or conflict of interest by the Title IX Coordinator, contact the King Laurence, Superintendent.  Concerns of bias or a potential conflict of interest by any other Title IX Team member should be raised with the Title IX Coordinator.
    Reports of misconduct committed by the Title IX Coordinator should be reported to the King Laurence, Superintendent, or designee. Reports of misconduct committed by any other Title IX Team member should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator. 
    Recipient has also classified all employees as Mandated Reporters of any knowledge they have that a member of the community is experiencing sexual harassment and/or retaliation. 

    For more information on the Title IX Sexual Harassment grievance process, please click the links for Aiken County Public School District Board Policy GBAAA and JIA.

    Aiken County Public School District Statement of Non-Discrimination

    The District, as required by Title IX of the Education amendments of 1972 and its corresponding regulations (“Title IX”), does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education programs or activities. Title IX prohibits gender-based harassment, which may include acts of verbal, nonverbal, or physical aggression, intimidation, or hostility based on sex even if those acts do not involve conduct of a sexual nature. The District prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex or gender in all of its programs and activities by its employees, students or third parties.
    The District will respond promptly to actual knowledge of sexual harassment in an education program or activity of the District against a person in the United States in a manner that is not deliberately indifferent. The response will treat complainants and respondents equitably.
    Any allegations of inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature that fall outside of this policy will be handled consistent with other applicable Board policies, including the Code of Conduct. 

    Evidence of training for Title IX Coordinator, Investigators, Decision-Makers/Appeals, and Informal Resolution Facilitators is listed below.  Certification of training is filed with the Title IX Coordinator. 
    Title IX Basics: Title IX Investigator/Decision Maker Level 1: