
Aiken County Public School District

Achieving Excellence

  • Course Materials: Discussions (Students)

    Selecting a member from the drop-down menu highlights all of the posts that member has created in this discussion, allowing you to see all of the discussion posts by a particular member at a glance.Discussions are interactive conversations that allow participation between you, your classmates, and your instructor. Each discussion has threaded commenting, allowing you to respond to any post by another student.

    For some courses, instructors may choose to moderate the discussion posts. Moderation requires a course admin to approve each post before it is published. When this feature is turned on, your posts will not be immediately visible to other students.

    Highlight User

    Click Highlight User to filter posts by author. Clicking Highlight User displays a list of members in the course, accompanied by the number of posts each member has contributed to this discussion. The total posts appear in green, and the number of posts you have not yet read appears in orange. Members who have not yet posted to the discussion appear at the bottom of the drop-down menu under Not Submitted.