Phone: 803-593-7100


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Broadcasting

Mrs. Francesca Mackie

My name is Francesca Mackie and I am so excited to be your child's Media Technology teacher. I am the proud wife of Louis Mackie Jr,  who is also a teacher/football coach at Grovetown Middle School. We have 2 daughters, Keiri, who is a Sophomore at Clemson University and Brooke who is 8 and in 3rd grade.

Before coming to Midland Valley, I was a Newscast Technical Director at WAGT TV NBC 26 AND 91在线资源 News Channel 6 in Television Park for 14 years. I have had the pleasure to work many live events during my time there. I was a camera operator at James Brown's funeral, the director of the WAGT Riverblast Fireworks show, Technical Director of the Very Vera Cooking Show, I won a Broadcasting GABBY award for best graphics in a documentary for the James Brown Anniversary special we produced, Technical Director of Augusta's biggest Loser, director of countless live parades and so much more.

I am a graduate of Georgia Southern University where I received my Bachelor's of Science in Television Broadcasting.

I have been at Midland Valley High School for 11 years and I'm so excited to teach your children. While my students are with me to learn, it is also my goal to create a safe atmosphere for my students and get to know them and their interests. 

Your student will learn the phases of the production process, shot composition, the history of filmmaking, video editing and the different roles required in video production and so much more. 

I can be contacted between the hours of 8:30 am and 3:30 pm at

Class projects can be viewed on our Youtube channel. Click the link below

Class Expectations